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Gerhard Richter Inspired Art Project

Hello everybody, today, I will be showing you my art project, with methods inspired by the German artist Gerhard Richter. I will be painting one of the states in the United States, with three state icons.


I will start by penciling the icons I want to use onto my canvas.

Then, I will color in the icons, using acrylic paint.

Then, I will use masking tape and paper to cover my icons, inspired by the Richter method.

I draw a grid onto my paper.

I use the grid to pencil out the outline for the state I am painting, Texas.

I paint the background.

Now, I paint in the state.

After the paint has dried, I define the borders of the state a little more, and add a dot for the state capitol, Austin. I also paint the word "Austin" under the dot.

After the paint is dry from the last step, I peel off the masking tape and paper, and voilà, I am done!

Here is the painting by Gerhard Richter that inspired the masking tape method:

Here is the link to the museum that the painting is currently on display at:

Again, the HTML for a live link does not want to work, I apologize.

Anyways, thank you for reading my blog. Have a great day!

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